OK Analysis – A development service for managing receivables

Take your company to the next level of receivable management. Capitalise on the skills of our experts and analysts by purchasing an OK Analysis development package, and we will analyse your company’s current situation and make recommendations for improving your management of receivables.

Receivable management development service for SMEs

Do you need an unbiased assessment of your credit management process and a development plan for speeding up your cash flow? We will analyse your company’s receivable management and recommend ways to improve it.


We conduct a comprehensive analysis of your company’s situation based on interviews:

  • Overview and specific characteristics of the sector
  • Credit management
  • Receivable management processes
  • System analysis (in relation to trade receivables)

Data analysis

Analysis of data related to trade receivables:

  • Cycle length
  • Customer segmentation
  • Payment behaviour
  • Other special characteristics

Final report

Action plan and final report:

  • Results of the analysis and our recommendations for process development
  • Summary based on quantitative and qualitative analysis
  • Our experts’ assessment of the current state
  • Our proposal for further development and speeding up your cash flow

Interested? Get in touch!

Our experts can help you get the most out of OK Perintä’s products and services.

Interested? Get in touch!

Our experts can help you get the most out of OK Perintä’s products and services.

Sami Vesto

Sami Vesto

Chief Commercial Officer

+358 40 557 7153 LinkedIn