Collection by legal measures
If a debt is not paid during voluntary collection, so-called collection through legal measures begins. In that case, we send a summons application to the District Court and request a judgment on the debtor’s liability to pay. District Court proceedings also give rise to additional costs.
After the District Court accepts a case for consideration, you receive a notification. The District Court will issue a debt judgment in the case at the earliest 14 days after this notification. As a result of the debt judgment issued by the District Court, you will receive a payment default entry in your credit information, which might adversely affect your opportunities to obtain rental accommodation, a credit card, a loan or even employment. A further consequence of the judgment might be collection of the debt by the enforcement authorities.
Please note that taxes, health centre fees, day-care fees and certain insurance payments, for example, are exceptional cases, because they are directly enforceable. In the case of these debts, there is no need for a separate District Court judgment; they can be transferred after voluntary collection directly to enforcement, if the debts are still unpaid.