Frequently asked questions

Collection costs

What is the difference between a payment reminder and a payment demand?

A payment reminder, as its name suggests, is only a reminder of the fact that the due date of the invoice you received has past and the payment period has expired. The invoice has therefore not gone to collection, nor does a payment default entry follow from a payment reminder. If you pay the invoice by the due date of the reminder, the invoice will not go to collection at all. In the case of consumers, one payment reminder will result at most in a EUR 5 reminder fee, which you also have to pay. In the case of business collection, the reminder fees vary. 

By law, a reminder for which a fee must be paid can be sent at the earliest 14 days after the due date of the invoice. A second reminder for which a fee must be paid can be sent at the earliest 14 days after the sending of the first reminder, if the invoice has not been paid by then.  

A payment demand, on the other hand, signifies that the invoice has been transferred to collection. After receiving from us a payment demand, you may flexibly negotiate with us the handling of the unpaid invoice, and together we will try to find the best possible solution. Please remember, however, to contact us before the due date of the payment demand.  

A payment demand generally includes collection costs, which you also have to pay. The amount of collection costs depends on, among other things, the size of the invoice being collected. A mere payment demand does not result in a payment default entry.